Commercial Waste

Ready to give your business, commercial or industrial waste systems a much-needed upgrade? We're here to help!


During a commercial waste audit, we’ll assess your current waste management systems and provide expert advice on how to enhance safety, efficiency, and organization. It’s a win-win situation for your bottom line and the environment.

Reducing waste also saves you money! A commercial waste audit can help you understand what waste your business generates and where its being produced. It determines the effectiveness of your current waste management system and identifies areas for improvements or new strategies to reduce your waste.

Benefits of a Commercial Waste Audit

Evaluate the effectiveness of your current waste management systems
Get specific data on the types of waste your business created and where it is generated
Identify ways to reduce waste
Save money by reducing waste
Engage employees in the journey to sustainability
Employee education and empowerment
Ensure compliance with waste regulations in Central Newfoundland & Labrador
Set goals and measure your success

How Does A Waste Audit Work?

Our waste auditor will visit your business to conduct an on-site evaluation of your current waste management systems.


Interview you and your employees about your current systems to gain insight into your operations and hear real-life experiences with your existing waste management solutions


Sort through and catalogue a sample of your waste to understand what materials are being discarded and where


Provide an audit report with ideas and strategies to improve your systems (and maybe even save you money!)


A waste audit can be done once, but scheduling a return visit is helpful to track your progress